Boris was born in 1972 in Zalaegerszeg, Hungary. He made his first tattoos in 1992 with a still amateur equipment. In the following 2 years he was tattooing anytime he had the opportunity to do so, learning the profession in an autodidact way - while studying and having a full time job at the same time. He opened his first studio in his native city in 1995 which operated until 2012 then was moved to Vienna in the same year. Boris belongs to those whose jobs are also their hobbies. He mainly works in fantasy and realistic styles of which boundaries he pushes with great curiosity; however, each day he likes to try different things out in various topics. He is responsive to new things, obviously keeping the boundaries as much as the skin is to provide. He very much appreciates customer request with meaningful content besides only physical appearing. He is up to unique individual ideas as it inspires his imagination; at the same time freedom in creation is very important to him in general.
He sees each of his projects equally important because he knows it is the most important to the person who wears it. He completes each of his tattoos as if he was doing it for himself. He treats each one of them as an art piece not a piece of work. He also completes each design by being aware of this principle; for him this is the sketch of creation.
In the last 10 years his customers arrived from all over the world and due to this fact he could meet with many different cultural and social concepts in his everyday life.
Boris is not only continuing daily tattooing, but he is actively present in developing, commercializing and distributing products of the most popular firms in the tattoo industry.
Boris is one of the few whose signature series ink collection is ran by Intenze Products, the biggest ink manufacture in the USA.
From the beginning, he has been part of developing and marketing the newest Cheyenne tattoo machine family along with the manufacture, Berlin MT.Dherm GmbH.
He is a regular presenter of the Worldwide Tattoo Conference, the first seminar series to lecture tattoo artist worldwide.
He also likes visiting new locations each year.